Personal work Research Unreal engine

Data driven gameplay

I enjoyed playing Destiny 1 back in the day when it featured Lootcave gameplay. I thought it would be a great way to explore data driven gameplay by trying to re-creating the Lootcave phenomenon.

I wanted to learn how to use an external Excel spreadsheet as input to Unreal Engine. I wanted to control as much as possible using this spreadsheet, such as items, balancing and loot tables.

Purpose of this project was to learn how to use:

  • Multiple maps and switching between them.
  • Data driven game design and balancing.
  • Item database.
  • Loot tables.
  • Enemy attributes.

The project was built around the principle of being able to extend, maintain and tweak it with more levels, items and monster types. All these things can be done really quickly from an Excel spreadsheet without the involvement of programmers. A simple re-import of the Excel sheet is enough.

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